I felt the hussle and bussle of lunch as I waited for the green man to grant us passage across the busy road. As the cars came zipping by, I stared past the people across the way, daydreamming about what I was going to eat for lunch. The lights signaled walk and halfway across the road my left heel came loose and off my foot. I struggled to slip my shoe back on and I felt myself panicking with the 10 seconds I had left to get to the safety of footpath. With people watching (and sniggering at) me in the middle of the road as the oncoming traffic prepared to run me over, I staggered back to the other side of the road without my shoe. I watched in horror as the approaching cars came in droves and held my breathe hoping my shoe would not get crushed. As if it wasn’t already embarrassing enough that I was standing at the sidewalk with only one shoe on, I was mortified at the thought that I would have to potentially walk into a shoe store with either the one heel or no shoes on at all... Fast forward moments of pure humiliation and a couple of mitues later the traffic came to a holt and I hobbled over to my shoe. Luckily, other than the sheer embarrassment I was feeling, my shoe and I came out of the whole ordeal unscathed. I quickly picked up my shoe and put the bastard on.
I was totally frazzled and just as I was calming down I walked past a lady who I see in my peripheral vision dropping her banana bread and as I see it dropping to the floor in full sight, my catlike reflexes failed me as I also watch my foot step on top of this lady's lunch seconds later. OMFG, (I thought to myself) is this seriously happening right now? hahaha I apologised profusely and bought Lina (whom I will always remember as the banana bread lady) another slice cause I felt so bad...
I have to say that's the most eventful walk to the food court I've had in a long time.