Friday, February 26, 2010


I just got back from Hawaii again about 2 weeks ago and whilst I haven’t had a relapse of post-hawaii blues when holiday-ing in Hawaii my wiring becomes accustomed to a certain way of life. My body is totally Hawaii-lagged, since coming home I’ve had to fight the following urges:

Saying ‘Aloha’ to Shop assistants or to anyone in general

Craving for red velvet cheesecake from the cheesecake factory

Having a 3pm nap at my desk at work (Noon was about the time I had a daily nap at Waikiki beach)

Craving for a beer at about 9pm everytime (6pm was about the time we had our daily beer at Waikiki Yard house)

Wearing a bikini to work (now if I did this, it could either get me fired or maybe even promoted)

aaaaaaaaaawwww...... I HEART HAWAII

What I really wanted to say….

I would have to say that I have a very grown-up job. I have had to work on dressing a certain way, conducting myself in a certain manner and coupled with the fact that my job can be somewhat stressful having to deal with challenging characters (translation: fuckwits), I have also had to work on my tact a fair bit over the last few years. Particularly because I tend to say the most inappropriate things, at the most inappropriate times.

So I thought I would share the Top 5 diplomatic things I said at work today, which should win me some sort of medal over and above keeping me employed.
  1. “I completely agree that its an important issue & we need to prioritise this against other initiatives.” Translation: In the scheme of things this is a piss-shit issue and you are wasting my time.
  2. "He has a capability gap and I am concerned about his level of initiative." Translation: He is a fuckin dumb-ass who is a lazy piece of shit
  3. "Wow that's fantastic. Good for you." Translation: I don't give a shit about your lifestory. I just want to end this conversation now.
  4. "Sorry I cant stop and chat, Im on my way to another meeting." Translation: Small talk with you is awkward and I just cant be bothered.
  5. "He was interesting”. Translation: He was a fuckin nut-job.