Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things that make me say Shit!

1. Getting to the front door and realising I left my keys in the house
2. Running for the bus and still missing it
3. Dropping my iphone and cracking the screen
4. Finding out that it would take a week to fix the screen of my iphone
5. Dropping my iphone after i just got the screen fix
6. When the car doesnt start cause I drained the battery by leaving the lights on over night
7. Doing 6. repeatedly
8. Busting two lights in a week and not being able to change the light bulbs because of our high ceilings
9. Having 6 & 8 happen while the bf is away overseas
10. When you drop the kids off at the pool and realise there's no toilet paper

1 comment:

  1. 11. When all the noise around you stops just as you drop a fart.
